Seal - Always carry a camera

This afternoon I was walking through the West End with my sister and niece and followed the sound of music to the BBC - I was lucky enough to walk past as Seal was doing a soundcheck for a later performance.

Conditions were far from ideal, no time, very crowded, poor light but pleasantly surprised with results at high ISO. I continue to be amazed at how versatile this camera is. And again reminded to always carry a camera - as good as my iPhone 8 Plus is, the photos aren’t even close in these conditions.

As well as being an incredible performer, Seal is actually a pretty good photographer and known for his love of Leica cameras.

These pictures were taken with the Olympus OM-D E-M1 mkii and the tiny but wonderful 45mm f1.8, wide open at ISO6400. I cropped slightly, converted to mono and did very minor PP in Capture One Pro 10 (in which I am a novice, having recently moved from Adobe Lightroom CC).

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